
Trichogramma: the cornerstone of successful IPM at Mulgowie Farming Company

Mulgowie Farming Comapany is the largest producer of fresh sweet corn and beans in Australia. Their production manager, Andrew Johansen, offered the following feedback about the role of our Trichogramma parasitoid wasps in their successful IPM program.

“Mulgowie Farming Company has been using Trichogramma wasps for around five years now, and it has become the cornerstone to our IPM strategy in sweetcorn. By releasing Trichogramma wasps and using only “soft” or biological spray applications we have been able to reduce our grub damage while at the same time reducing our spray applications and totally avoiding the use of heavy chemicals. This is a win-win situation by reducing spraying costs and producing an environmentally friendly product that is healthier for people and the environment.”

– Andrew Johanson, Production Manager