Frequently Asked Questions

Why can’t I see any of the bugs I’ve ordered?

Some of our biocontrol agents are very difficult to observe with the naked eye and require a hand lens or microscope to be seen. Unless there have been substantial postage delays your biocontrol agents will be alive and well. Our products are packed with the utmost care with postage times in mind. If there are concerns relating to the quality of the product, please get in touch via the contact section of our website.


While we make every effort to supply you with beneficial insects and mites to help improve your pest management, and to reduce the need for pesticides, we cannot guarantee the outcome in every situation.  Our biocontrol agents do feed readily on the species that we have specified in our tech sheets and on our website.  However, there are many variables including accurate pest identification, plant species, pest density, numbers of beneficials released, environmental conditions and history of pesticide usage that influence the outcomes.  We will always do our best to help you achieve a positive outcome but we simply cannot guarantee that your problem will be solved to your satisfaction.  Because every situation is unique we are constantly learning about how best to use our good bugs.  We appreciate any feedback from your experience.

The entomology team, Bugs for Bugs.