
Another Cryptolaemus vs. mealybug good news story

Cryptolaemus larva feeding on black scale (Photo: Dan Papacek)


Hi fellow bug lovers,

Thank you for providing me with these wonderful Cryptolaemus! They have totally destroyed my mealy bug infestation of which I battled for two years.

I have a 20 year old Hoop Pine tree in the front garden in which there are numerous bird’s nests and I thought that I had tried everything.These wonderful beetles battled the odds and ate anything mealybug.

There has been no sign of re-infestation,despite the hot weather we’ve been experiencing. I’m not worried if they do re-appear as I know that they can be controlled. Anyway, at this stage, all looks good.

Thank you all for your excellent service and fantastic product.

Kind Regards,

Mac Hosking,

Gladstone, 22 January 2009