Research scientists have long used ‘sleeve cages’ to improve establishment of biological control agents. Building on this concept we have developed our own beetle bags, designed to slip over a small plant or limb – wherever there are pest ‘hotspots’.
Our beetle bags help to contain the predators close to the pest, where they can immediately start to feed and lay their eggs. This ensures the establishment of a local breeding population. We recommend that customers releasing ladybirds use sleeve cages for at least a proportion of the beetles they introduce.
Simply pop in a few beneficial beetles and tie off both ends. The confined beetles will feed, mate, and lay eggs into the pest population. You only need to keep the predators confined for 3-4 days before opening your beetle bag to release them into the environment. After that leave the bag in place so you know where to return for monitoring for establishment.
Our beetle bags come in two sizes and are brightly coloured so that you can easily identify release points.