Olive lace bug

Olive lace bug overview

Olive lace bugs are able to cause significant damage to olive trees.

There are no ‘silver bullet’ solutions, however we have had positive feedback from numerous users who have tried green lacewings to improve the management of these difficult pests.

Oil sprays are sometimes used as a soft option in combination with releases of green lacewings to help reduce olive lace bug populations. If pesticides are deemed necessary we suggest treating hot spots in preference to cover sprays.

For more information about olive lace bug management we suggest the following: https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/biosecurity/pest-insects-and-mites/priority-pest-insects-and-mites/olive-lace-bug


Adult green lacewing


Lacewings are general predators that prey on many small insects. They are also able to feed on eggs and young stages of olive lace bug.


While we make every effort to supply you with beneficial insects and mites to help improve your pest management, and to reduce the need for pesticides, we cannot guarantee the outcome in every situation.  Our biocontrol agents do feed readily on the species that we have specified in our tech sheets and on our website.  However, there are many variables including accurate pest identification, plant species, pest density, numbers of beneficials released, environmental conditions and history of pesticide usage that influence the outcomes.  We will always do our best to help you achieve a positive outcome but we simply cannot guarantee that your problem will be solved to your satisfaction.  Because every situation is unique we are constantly learning about how best to use our good bugs.  We appreciate any feedback from your experience.

The entomology team, Bugs for Bugs.