
MAT cups


A pack of 50 plastic or cardboard MAT cups, designed to attract and kill male fruit flies.


MAT cups are are designed to reduce the male fruit fly population. They are a powerful fruit fly management tool, however they should only be used as an adjunct to (not instead of) protein baiting with Fruit Fly Lure.  Protein baiting remains the most important component of our systems approach. See our Fruit Fly Toolkit for more information about protein baiting.

We offer two styles of MAT cup: 

  • An impregnated cotton wick in a plastic housing
  • A cardboard cup with an impregnated corrugated cardboard inner

Both MAT cup styles are designed to protect the ingredients from rain and UV degradation. We have developed the cardboard version as a biodegradable option.

How does it work?

  • MAT = male annihilation technique
  • A targeted attract and kill strategy for male Queensland fruit flies
  • MAT cups contain both cue lure (a powerful male sex attractant) and maldison as a toxicant
  • Male Queensland fruit flies are attracted to the cups and die as result of ingesting the toxicant
  • MAT cups are applied three times per year to achieve orchard-wide or area-wide suppression of male flies
  • MAT cups are most effective when used over large areas or entire cropping regions
  • If used as directed over successive seasons, MAT cups can lead to a significant reduction in the local fruit fly population

How to apply

  • Apply at the rate of 10 – 20 MAT cups per hectare depending on crop sensitivity and local fruit fly pressure
  • Apply new cups three times per year (in Spring, Summer and Autumn)
  • Leave each MAT cup in the field for a full 12 months (biodegradable cups can be left in the field indefinitely)

How does MAT affect male fruit fly monitoring?

MAT cups compete with male fruit fly traps, affecting the results of traps set up for the purpose of monitoring. It is important to take this into account when using male trap counts to assess fruit fly activity. We suggest that you do not place too much emphasis on the actual numbers of fruit fly caught in traps but rather focus on population trends.

Additional information

  • For  information about protein baiting and fruit fly management view our Fruit Fly Toolkit
  • For information about fruit fly biology visit our fruit flies page

Additional information

Weight 0.83 kg
Dimensions 31 × 23 × 10 cm
Product Options

Cardboard MAT cup (50 pack), Plastic MAT cup (50 pack)