Phorid and Sciarid flies
Phorid and Sciarid flies are persistent and damaging pest of mushrooms. Unchecked they can do considerable damage. Growers spend a great deal of time and money to manage these unwanted invaders. Many rely heavily on routine pesticide applications to keep them at bay.
The larvae of Phorid flies feed directly on the mycelium of the growing mushroom while Sciarids feed on organic matter within the compost itself. Both are able to transmit disease increasing their potential negative impact significantly. At a recent Australian and New Zealand Mushroom Grower’s conference Dr Michael Wolfin shared the results of research conducted into an IPM approach for the management of these fly pests of mushrooms.
Dr Wolfin and his team concluded that a combination of biocontrol agents, soft chemistry and cultural practices can greatly improve the management of both Phorid and Sciarid flies in mushroom production facilities.
Download a .pdf about IPM for fly pests of mushrooms.
Download the Penn State University IPM for Mushrooms Handbook